
Discover the Path  to
Holistic Health and

Transform Your Health with
Fontainavie Supplements

At Fontainavie, we believe in a holistic approach to health that goes beyond just weight loss. Our New Generation Inner Balance and Slim Body System are designed to support your physical and mental well-being,
helping you achieve sustainable health and vitality.

New Generation
Inner Balance:
Restore Your Body’s Harmony

Key Benefits:

Restores Acid-Base Balance

Helps maintain the body's optimal pH levels,
crucial for metabolic functions

Supports Detoxification

 Ingredients like Nettle Extract and Zinc aid in flushing out toxins

Enhances Mood and Mental Health

Vitamin B6 and Lemon Balm Extract reduce anxiety, improve mood,
and enhance sleep quality

Promotes Skin Health

 Collagen improves skin firmness, reduces wrinkles,
and enhances complexion

Reduces Emotional Hunger

Vitamin B6 helps manage emotional eating,
making it easier to stick to a healthy eating plan

Key Ingredients:

Vitamin B6

Essential for nervous system health
and mood regulation

Rosa Centifolia Extract

Rich in antioxidants, removes metabolic waste

Nettle Extract

Diuretic properties help reduce
water retention

Zinc, Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium, Iron

Support various bodily functions and pH balance

Lemon Balm Extract

Improves sleep and supports digestive health


Suppresses appetite and promotes skin health

New Generation
Slim Body System:
Effective Weight Management

Key Benefits:

Supports Weight Loss

Glucomannan creates a feeling of
fullness, reducing appetite

Promotes Gut Health

 Feeds friendly bacteria in the intestine,
crucial for weight management

Reduces Cravings

Chromium enhances insulin action, stabilizing
blood sugar levels and reducing sugar cravings

Improves Mood and Mental Health

Vitamin B6 alleviates anxiety and depression,
aiding in emotional eating management

Key Ingredients:


Water-soluble dietary fiber that aids in reducing appetite and supporting gut health


Enhances insulin sensitivity, reducing cravings and supporting metabolism

Vitamin B6

Helps regulate the nervous system and manage emotional hunger

Lose weight Safely: Transform Your Body and Mind Holistically with Fontainavie!

Balanced pH Levels
Optimal metabolic efficiency
Mood Enhancement
Reduce stress and anxiety
Appetite Control
No more cravings
Skin Rejuvenation
Firm and youthful skin
Detox Support
Eliminate toxins naturally

"Every accomplishment starts with a decision to try."

Boost Your Energy Levels :
Thrive Daily with Fontainavie!

Revitalize your body and mind holistically

Natural ingredients

Supports insulin sensitivity
Improves sleep quality
Reduces water retention

Beckie achieved an impressive total weight loss of 28 pounds in just 12 weeks.

Beckie followed our Fit 6 program, which primarily involved using the Inner Balance and Slim Body System supplements under the UK's version of Fontainavie, branded as Nutricode. These supplements contain the same ingredients, just under a different brand name.


Decrease in body weight


Increase in energy levels

"I absolutely love the Inner Balance and Slim Body System! 

These two supplements have helped me to lose over 44 pounds in 6 months. These supplements reduced my appetite and helped to burn fat much faster!"

- Gediminas G.

-44 pounds in 6 months

Affordable, Effective
Health Solutions

Holistically improve both physical and mental well-being.
Utilizes vitamins and plant extracts for safety.
Supports fullness and reduces appetite effectively.
Reduces anxiety and stress significantly.
Promotes firmer skin and reduces wrinkles.
Aids in body detoxification and water retention.
Discover Your Ideal Wellness

Achieve Optimal Health with Inner Balance
 and  Slim Body System

Unlock the power of balanced living and a healthier body. Start your journey now!

Frequently Asked Questions

Get clear answers to your top concerns.
What is the New Generation Fontainavie Inner Balance and Slim Body System?

The New Generation Fontainavie Inner Balance and Slim Body System is a comprehensive health solution that integrates both physical and mental well-being. It is designed to support weight management, balance pH levels, enhance mood, reduce stress, improve sleep, and promote skin health through the use of natural ingredients and scientifically supported components.

How do the ingredients support weight loss and overall health?

Our system utilizes ingredients like glucomannan and chromium to promote fullness, reduce appetite, and enhance insulin sensitivity, aiding in effective weight management. Additionally, Vitamin B6 and lemon balm extract work to improve mood and mental health, while collagen and other natural components support skin firmness and detoxification.

Are there any side effects from using these products?

The New Generation Fontainavie Inner Balance and Slim Body System are made with natural ingredients known for their health benefits and minimal side effects. However, as with any supplement, it is advisable to consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new health regimen, especially if you have pre-existing health conditions.

How soon can I expect to see results?

Users typically start to notice improvements within a few weeks of consistent use. Results may vary based on individual health conditions, lifestyle, and adherence to the system. For optimal results, combine the supplements with a balanced diet and regular exercise.

Unlock Your Health

Discover the benefits of Inner Balance & Slim Body System and start seeing results in just weeks

Commit to a healthier, balanced life
and feel the difference!

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